December 07, 2006

Saclariniz dokulmesin, kepeklenmesin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Aksoy Sifali Bitkiler <>
Date: Dec 7, 2006 8:15 PM
Subject: Saclariniz dokulmesin, kepeklenmesin

Saçlarınız dökülmesin, kepeklenmesin

Aksoy Şifalı Bitkiler'in ürettiği bitkisel saç losyonu ile
ilk kullanımdan itibaren saçlarınızdaki değişiklikleri
göreceksiniz. Aksoy Bitkisel Saç Losyonu'nu eczanelerden
temin edebilirsiniz.

Tüm bitkisel ilaçlar için bizi arayabilirsiniz:
0212 534 20 18 - 533 13 34

Eczane ve Aktar'lardan temin edebileceğiniz diğer
bitkisel ilaçlarımız:
Saç Losyonu
Cilt Seti
Zayıflama Seti
Astım Seti
Hemoroid Seti
Diyabet Seti
Ülser Seti
Prostat Seti
Romatizma Seti
Kudret Macunu
Sinüzit Seti
Böbrek Taşı Seti


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Server Global <>
Date: Dec 7, 2006 1:25 PM

Domain Tescil | Domain Transferi | WebSMS |
Bize Ulasin | Referanslar |
Hakkimizda | Bayi Islemleri | English

Server Global
Bilisim Hizmetleri ve Tic. Ltd Sti
Call Center 90 216 354 7769

100 SMS Gönderimi Sadece 6.40 YTL

Web SMS kurumlarin yada bireylerin portföylerindeki
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hangi telefonlara ulastigini sadece birkaç dakika
içerisinde ögrenebileceginiz çok detayli raporlama imkanlarini da
bereberinde sunar. Sadece alicilarina ulasan mesajlar

Müsterilerinize yeni promosyonlarinizi duyurabilir,
Kredili müsterilerinize ödeme hatirlatmasi (taksit
tutari, son ödeme tarihi) yapabilirsiniz.
Interaktif uygulamalar ile kampanyalar düzenleyebilir,
müsteri sadakati saglayabilirsiniz.

Zaman ayarli gönderimler yapabilir.
Müsteri portföyüne ait gruplar olusturulabilir, grup mesajlar
Dogum günü veya özel gün tanimlamalari sayesinde en pratik
yoldan SMS gönderimi saglanir.
Gönderim basliklari belirlenebilir. Belirtilen mesaj basligi
numerik veya alfanumerik ifade olabilir.

SMS Servisi seçimlerinde yanilmadilar

Adil Turizm ve San Tic Ltd Sti
Afyonkarahisar Sanayi ve Ticaret Odasi
CPM Computer & Printer A.S.
Dogu Karadeniz Belediyeler Birligi
DYP BüyükÇekmece Ilçe Baskanligi
Ekol Teknoloji San Ve Tic Ltd
Goldarrow Courier Services Ltd
Kocaeli Üniversitesi Su Alti Klubü

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Korel Kuaför
Mahalli Idareler Arastirma Dernegi
Monroe Amortisörleri
Mis Holding A.S
Sersay Turizm Ltd Sti
Türkiye Tatil Rehberi

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Anneler Günü Korel Kuaför

Online Rezarvasyon

5000 müsterimize sezon açilisinin duyurulmasi için
WebSMS'i tercih ettik

Müsterilerimizin anneler gününü WebSMS ile kutladik.
Online Rezarvasyon bilgilerini WebSMS ile sitemizden
aninda gönderiyoruz.

Meclis Üyeleri Afyon Ticaret ve Sanayi

Brunch Gaziantep BiSIAD

Üyelere Erisim K. Üniversitesi Su Alti

Meclis toplanti tarihindeki degisikligi aninda WebSMS ile

Bilgisayar Sektörü is adamlari Dernegi olarak brunch davetini
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Kocaeli Üniversitesi Su Alti Klubü üyelerine WebSMS ile

Kirikkale Emniyet Müdürlügü
Ikbal Gürpinar
Filiz Makarnalari

ve daha fazlasi....

Web/Email Hosting
Linux EcoHosting
Linux ProHosting
Windows EcoHosting
Windows ProHosting
Windows ProHosting TR
Email EcoHosting
Email ProHosting
Planinizi Siz Olusturun
Website Sihirbazi
Sadece Tasarim Planlari

Mail listemizden çikmak istiyorsaniz lütfen buraya tiklayin.

KURYETÜRK (lütfen bu adresi veya telefonu biryere kaydedin birgün mutlaka lazım olucak sizede.)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Dec 7, 2006 11:31 AM
Subject: KURYETÜRK (lütfen bu adresi veya telefonu biryere kaydedin
birgün mutlaka lazım olucak sizede.)

2004 yılında kurulan KURYETÜRK ,taşımacılık sektörünün 3 kolunda (moto
kurye,kargo,toplu dağıtım) hizmet veren ender kuruluşlardan
biridir.İstanbul'un iki yakasında birer şubesi olan kuruluşumuz uzman
ve tecrübeli kadrosuyla İstanbul'un tamamına,brokerlik anlaşmaları ile
tüm Türkiye'ye yayılmış bir ağ üzerinden hızlı ve güvenilir bir
şekilde teslimat yapmaktadır.

Karayolu Taşıma Yönetmeliği ,yürürlüğe girdi.28.06.2006 tarihinden
itibaren taşıma belgesi olmayan firmalar,karayolu üzerinde yük ve
yolcu taşımacılığı yapamayacaklar.Şirketimiz P1 taşıma belgesi
sahibidir.Sirketinizin magdur olmamasini icin yetki belgesi olmayan
firmalarla calismayiniz!!!


Gün içinde,akşam ve hafta sonlarında,İstanbul'u yaşanmaz ve tahammül
edilmez hale getiren,trafiğin keşmekeşliğinde boğuşmamanız
,gönderinizin zamanında,güvenle istediğiniz adrese ulaşmasını sağlamak
için motokuryeyi tercih etmelisiniz.


Motokurye'ye sadece iş hayatında değil,günlük yaşamın her alanında
ihtiyacınız olur.
Nasıl mı??Size her gün yaşadığımız ve yaşadığınız olaylardan birkaç örnek....

*Anne-babanıza,sevgilinize,eşinize,dostunuza,doğrudan ulaşmasını
istediğiniz sürpriz veya özel bir gönderiniz var.Ancak kim tarafından
gönderildiğinin bilinmesini istemiyorsunuz, hediyenizi ulaştıracak
kadar vaktiniz yok,göndereceğiniz kişinin bulunduğu yer size çok uzak
Ne yapabilirsiniz?

*Uçak biletinizi yada pasaportunuzu unuttunuz.Ne yapabilirsiniz?

*Milyarlık bir telefon görüşme yapmanız gerekiyor,ancak cep
telefonunuzu yada telefon rehberinizi unuttunuz..O an için çok
yoğunsunuz, bulunduğunuz yerden ayrılamıyorsunuz.Ne yapabilirsiniz.?

*Yurtdışında yada şehir dışındasınız,bir adresten,diper bir adrese bir
gönderi gitmesi gerekiyor.Ne yapabilirsiniz?

*Aracınızla seyir halindeyken,bir anda yakıtınız bitti.Ne yapabilirsiniz?

*Hastanedesiniz,hastanızın yanından ayrılamıyorsunuz,ama
tahlil,kan,ilaç,sağlık karnesi ve kimliklerin gidip gelmesi
gerekiyor.Ne yapabilirsiniz?

*Herhangi bir mağaza,restoran,eczane,otel veya hastanede nakit paranız yetmedi.
Bir dostunuzdan para istediniz,ama ne siz nede dostunuz yerinden ayrılamıyor.
Ne yapabilirsiniz?

*Evinizin yada otomobilinizin anahtarını unuttunuz.Yedek anahtarınız
var ama ulaşamıyorsunuz Ne yapabilirsiniz?

Hemen KURYETÜRK Kurye'yi arayıp hizmetlerimizden yararlanabilirsiniz......

DAİMA BİR ADIM İLERİDE KURYETÜRK (0212 270 20 40) den detaylı bilgi alabilirsiniz,veya ten direkt destek alabilirsiniz.

We stocks the parts to make you environment friendly.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rebecca <>
Date: Dec 7, 2006 12:33 PM
Subject: We stocks the parts  to make you environment friendly.

Discounts available for volume purchases and the trade.
US has been serving the entire Internet community, around the world.
US has been serving the entire Internet community, around the world.
We have thousands of items in our vast Plumbing Inventory, our website just showcases a few items.
Premium Shopping Is Easier, Safer, Smarter, Shop Now. Don't wait a week to fix a leak. Two easy ways to order: expert one-to-one assistance over the phone, or easy-to-follow click-through menus online.
US has been serving the entire Internet community, around the world. Don't assume that a small leak will only waste a little water. US has been serving the entire Internet community, around the world. Don't wait a week to fix a leak. US has been serving the entire Internet community, around the world.
Premium Shopping Is Easier, Safer, Smarter, Shop Now.
Award-winning tech support that's there for you if you ever need it. We specialize in hard to find plumbing parts. The use of Manufacturers Names and Numbers are not meant to infer that our parts are made by that manufacturer, they are used for identification purposes only.
Don't assume that a small leak will only waste a little water. US has been serving the entire Internet community, around the world. The use of Manufacturers Names and Numbers are not meant to infer that our parts are made by that manufacturer, they are used for identification purposes only.
Easy as PlumbingSupply.
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We specialize in hard to find plumbing parts. Fast shipping, quality products and friendly service, an established Plumbing Supply Company you can trust.
Discounts available for volume purchases and the trade. We stocks the parts to make you environment friendly. US serves the public, contractors, schools, multi-housing, hospitals, and government accounts.
Don't wait a week to fix a leak.
We specialize in hard to find plumbing parts. US serves the public, contractors, schools, multi-housing, hospitals, and government accounts. The use of Manufacturers Names and Numbers are not meant to infer that our parts are made by that manufacturer, they are used for identification purposes only. Don't assume that a small leak will only waste a little water.
Don't wait a week to fix a leak. We have thousands of items in our vast Plumbing Inventory, our website just showcases a few items. US has been serving the entire Internet community, around the world.
We specialize in hard to find plumbing parts. US serves the public, contractors, schools, multi-housing, hospitals, and government accounts.

Adobe Acrobat 8 PR0 & MS Office 2007 $79 N0W @ Ryan's Softshop

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Shane Bennett <>
Date: Dec 7, 2006 12:54 PM
Subject: Adobe Acrobat 8 PR0 & MS Office 2007 $79 N0W @ Ryan's Softshop

0N S@LE N0W!

$79 MS Office Enterprise 2007
$79 Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro
$49 Windows XP Pro w/SP2
$59 Adobe Premiere 2.0
$99 Macromedia Studio 8
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$59 Corel Grafix Suite X3
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$59 Adobe Illustrator CS2

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# ./MAKEDEV tun0
o Transmitted Data (SD) = 0xffffff00
o Accept LPD's paradigm and make header pages free.
List Purpose
Generating 'grunt-new-srvtab'....
permit port ttyd0
LPD starts lpf with page width and length arguments (from the pw and
connection (to the machine you are initializing), use the `keyinit -s'
In most computer systems, the UART is connected to circuitry that
0x89 r/w DMA Channel 6
rattan|line|diablo|lp|Diablo 630 Line Printer:\
compilation based upon what version of UNIX it is running under. If
routers are routing the necessary UDP information, or you will not get
and save it in the `scripts' subdirectory. As mentioned above, you
Tape Media
once made a long distance telephone call on a bad line you probably
more of these extra signals. The function of each of these additional
FreeBSD also benefits significantly from the literally thousands of
short table of some of these flags and their meanings:
device sio6 at isa? port 0x110 tty flags 0xb05
8250/16450 designs) before this bit is
expanding our list of supported peripherals since we generally lack
compatibility with all those UNIX systems out there while still not
c. If ${USE_IMAKE} is set, ${XMKMF} (default: `xmkmf -a') is run.
heartburn. As of this writing (March 1996) ELF emulation is still in
message back to the source.
Gravis Ultrasound.
boards have on-board electronics that allow all the 16550A's on the
pty is a ``pseudo-terminal'' or simulated login port. It is
an example command)
/usr/local/Mathematica/bin for binaries External vs. Internal Modems
East, Englewood, CO 80112-5704, Phone: (800) 854-7179, Outside USA and
subset of ${DISTFILES} are actual extractable archives, then set them
vary greatly, and there is always more work to be done than there are
without bad sectors. In the case of FreeBSD this concept is not
FreeBSD ports still use the tarball mechanism, but use a ``skeleton''
piewm piewm-1.0 ditto
signals, so if you have problems, such as a login session not going
/dev/wd1s2b none swap sw 0 0
active seeyan 12 ... 49123 bytes
o Novell NE1000, NE2000, and NE2100 ethernet interface.
time on the process of creating deltas, so talk to Poul-Henning Kamp
to provide the filters (well, most of the time), you also have to
for this destination internal, rather than sending it out over the
not restrict it. To avoid signal contention, the 2 devices have to
Zynx ZX342 or DEC DE435, will generally work as well. For 100Mbit
unless, of course, it is a concise description of the port.
= gethostbyname($printer_host);
booting kernel, the system will simply allocate more devices,
Last login: Wed Jun 28 15:31:00 from halloran-eldar.l
ability to demand load and unload kernel modules.
work fine, and some operations may succeed, but suddenly the server
clean printer-name
3. Forget it. This is the easiest for most - very few of the programs
``scoansi'' if full-screen programs have trouble running under
Here is an example. The host rose has two printers, bamboo and
$ keyinit -s
Rather than install conversion filters at all, you might want to try
Data transfer rate is 510kB/s (native).
line 468'' or ``change line 197 to this''. Also known as a `diff',
over 2 inches thick BTW). So, for a hard disk drive for instance you
Again, we would like to request that you keep discussion in the tech-
the PC. When a peripheral requests the bus on DMA channels 0,
done using a pseudo drive with 64 heads and 32 sectors per track. By Checking Printer Communications
and slave hard drive, respectively. wdc1 is a secondary IDE
locations. If you are outside the U.S. or Canada, please get secure
As currently supplied, FreeBSD does not have the ability to load
print the header page (see section ``Header Pages'') only. LPD then
4. Full LKM based driver support/Configuration Manager.
ifconfig_sl0="inet ${hostname} slip-gateway netmask 0xffffff00 up"
way that you created the boot floppy ``the beginning of this guide''.
only two arguments to an output filter:
computer (even when internal modems are used the data is still
as the last resort. Send mail to the FreeBSD ports mailing list
Once you have installed the kernel and the LKM, you can invoke `linux'
system is the SERVER, include the option "-w=1024" on the mount from
in full, but I'm sure you get the idea). Licensing Problems
Data transfer rate is 510kB/s (native).
However, an output filter is necessary if you want header pages and
pixel-height is the value from the py capability (default 0).
cfg.X.X.X.X (or /tftpboot/cfg.X.X.X.X, it will try both) where
sl0: flags=10<POINTOPOINT>
will then begin in early Q2 of 1996 and a new 2.3 branch created for
# Turn on a bunch of tracing info for the interface to the kernel:
print a lot of DVI data, then a DVI conversion filter is in order. If
pid=`ps ax| grep pppd |grep -v grep|awk '{print $1;}'`
Principal: janeGRONDAR.ZA
Then again, all that might be too much trouble, and users will
A. Nothing secret about it at all, just look at the
Alternatively, you can put the program in a file and type
to use as a reference for your own modem's commands.
x/wx 0xf0133fe0,40
# cd /usr/ports
introduced earlier; we enabled header pages and added the above output
is also a timeout (Expire column) associated with this type of route,
8. Register the installation in a database. This means that, if you
stty -f /dev/ttyd0 crtscts
= gethostbyname($printer_host);
is attached to the end of this document )
should be executed as root.
This section describes some miscellaneous hardware devices supported
use X Windows, enable the XSERVER option and optionally, a bus mouse
Phone: +1 510 674-0783
ISBN 1-55558-051-3
It is still not enough to have each of the filters generate their own
dropped instead of using up your bandwidth)
A. Doing 'make extract' will stop it after it has fetched and
In addition to a physical interconnection standard, SCSI defines a
kernel is finally started with %cs 0x08 and %ds/%es/%ss 0x10, which
What IBM did to solve this problem was to add a latch for each DMA

Three Steps to the Software You Need at the Prices You Want

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Curtis Anderson <>
Date: Jan 5, 2007 1:25 PM
Subject: Three Steps to the Software You Need at the Prices You Want


$79 MS Office Enterprise 2007
$79 Adobe Acrobat 8 Pro
$49 Windows XP Pro w/SP2
$99 Macromedia Studio 8
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$69 QuickBooks 2006 Prem.
$59 Corel Grafix Suite X3
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