Fwd: At this moment, the fear at her own inadequacy lumped at the top of her throat.
From: vodka <zugleu@tracymccabestewart.com>
Date: Nov 30, 2006 4:36 AM
Subject: At this moment, the fear at her own inadequacy lumped at the
top of her throat.
Layla is very kind when she wants to be and can easily be sarcastic,
mean, or teasing.
Pulling into position, River pressed on, their pursuers still on
their tail. It all comes to these words a batte field insidemy mind.
It had always amazed her when Wash was at the controls, he had
complete control, even when things were at their worst.
I find that im caring less and less about my appearance.
Little bitty thing she was, she took up a enormous place in his heart
and now with another one on the way, the thought of them in pain or
danger just made his pulse race.
She took shallow breaths, the only sign that she was still alive.
As he slid the cartridge in place, his heart did a flip. It was that
same far off look she had in her eyes those many years ago at the
And I wanna go to the mall with Kirra and get our picture taken with
Santa Claus.
Lay your hands on your mouth. She pushed Jayne, who had been cradling
Vera in his arms and blocking her path, out of the way. She took
shallow breaths, the only sign that she was still alive. We should all
go ice skating. She seemed to be on automatic as she took the co
pilots chair and began punching in coordinates.
In that moment she wanted to just melt into him. As he slid the
cartridge in place, his heart did a flip.
Fucking Christmas time makes me wanna do this kind of stuff.
Pulling into position, River pressed on, their pursuers still on their tail.
He made Kaylee happy, at least most of the time.
She had learned to fly many years ago, but was by no means the
natural Wash had been, nor the genius River was. Mal and Zoe were
still in shock at how quickly River had disposed of the threat that
they had been convinced would have ended badly. He still abhorred the
employ of guns, but living on Serenity over the years, he had become
accustomed to their use. Reno has done the posters for all of their
Columbus shows and they've all sold out quickly. She seemed to be on
automatic as she took the co pilots chair and began punching in
You know what I was thinking?
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